PHP - MYSQL ZingChart Time is 7 hours ahead

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MySQL Table:

enter image description here

How do i fix this? The time in the graph doesn't match the time in the database. Any help is appreciated.

Here's the script of the graph:

        $query = "SELECT date,temperature from tb_temperature where date >= CAST(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AS DATE)";

        $date = []; // Array to hold our date values
        $series = []; // Array to hold our series values

       $mysqli = new mysqli($host, $usernm, $passwd, $dbname, $port);
        if($mysqli->connect_error) {
          die('Connect Error (' . $mysqli->connect_errno . ')' . $mysqli->connect_error);
        if ($result = $mysqli->query($query)) {
          while( $row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_NUM)){

            array_push($date, $row[0]);
            array_push($series, $row[1]);

          foreach ($date as &$value){
            $value = strtotime( $value ) * 1000;

      var dateValues = [<?php echo join($date, ',') ?>];
      var seriesValues = [<?php echo join($series, ',') ?>];



There are 1 answers

nardecky On BEST ANSWER

It's most likely the utc offset. Whatever timezone the machine you're running this on, that's the timezone it is in. You can change this with setting utc:true and setting the timezone:7 to set the offset.

You can inspect lines 3 & 4 of the JS tab in this demo.