I've some problems with this PHP code:
// HIGHLIGHT NUMBERS *************************************************
// BUY
$valueEnlightOverBuy = $_POST["enlightOverBuy"];
$valueEnlightUnderBuy = $_POST["enlightUnderBuy"];
$fontColorBuy = "#FFF";
if ((($valueEnlightOverBuy != '') or ($valueEnlightUnderBuy != '')) and (($valueEnlightOverBuy and $valueEnlightUnderSell) != "0")) {
if (($finalPriceBuyer >= $valueEnlightOverBuy) or ($finalPriceBuyer <= $valueEnlightUnderBuy)) {
$fontColorBuy = "#00FF00";
} else if (($finalPriceBuyer >= $valueEnlightOverBuy and $finalPriceBuyer <= $valueEnlightUnderBuy)) {
$fontColorBuy = "#FF00FF";
} else {
$fontColorBuy = "#D00000";
$valueEnlightOverSloc = $_POST["enlightOverSloc"];
$valueEnlightUnderSloc = $_POST["enlightUnderSloc"];
$fontColorSellLoc = "#FFF";
if ((($valueEnlightOverSloc != '') or ($valueEnlightUnderSloc != '')) & (($valueEnlightOverSloc & $valueEnlightUnderSloc) != "0")) {
if (($finalPriceSellerLocal >= $valueEnlightOverSloc) or ($finalPriceSellerLocal <= $valueEnlightUnderSloc)) {
$fontColorSellLoc = "#00FF00";
} else if (($finalPriceSellerLocal >= $valueEnlightOverSloc) and ($finalPriceSellerLocal <= $valueEnlightUnderSloc)) {
$fontColorSellLoc = "#FF00FF";
} else {
$fontColorSellLoc = "#D00000";
$valueEnlightOverSellInt = $_POST["enlightOverSellInt"];
$valueEnlightUnderSellInt = $_POST["enlightUnderSellInt"];
$fontColorSellInt = "#FFF";
if ((($valueEnlightOverSellInt != '') or ($valueEnlightUnderSellInt != '')) & (($valueEnlightOverSellInt & $valueEnlightUnderSellInt) != "0")) {
if (($finalPriceSellerInt >= $valueEnlightOverSellInt) or ($finalPriceSellerInt <= $valueEnlightUnderSellInt)) {
$fontColorSellInt = "#00FF00";
} else if (($finalPriceSellerInt >= $valueEnlightOverSellInt) and ($finalPriceSellerInt <= $valueEnlightUnderSellInt)) {
$fontColorSellInt = "#FF00FF";
} else {
$fontColorSellInt = "#D00000";
As you see I have a post form (not showed in code) that transmit to this file the values for: VAR underBuy < BUY PRICE < VAR overBuy; VAR underLocalSeller < LOCAL SELL PRICE < VAR overLocalSeller; VAR underIntSeller < INT SELL PRICE < VAR underIntSeller.
Firstly the code makes a check if the VAR received from form are EMPTY or = to 0; if it's not, the code collect all this data and make a check on $FINALPRICEBUYER (extracted from a file with json) for the 1st two VARs, than make a check on $FINALPRICESELLERLOCAL for the 3rd and the 4th VARs and so make a check on $FINALPRICESELLERINT for the 5th and the 6th VARs.
If $ FINALPRICEBUYER is between >= than 1st VAR or <= than 2nd VAR make font GREEN, else if $FINALPRICEBUYER between 3rd VAR and 4th VAR go VIOLET, else go RED.
I did the first two conditions because user can insert one price limit or two.
Could you help me to understand what's I'm doing wrong? (Maybe it's only a matter of logic).
Here is the question:
This code doesn't work. Many time it return green font in spite of violet, so there should be something in the logic structure of math symbols (or PHP code of course) I can't get...
UPDATE 29.06.2015
Here is the code I'm using and adapting, starting from on of your examples.
// ENLIGHT NUMBERS ***************************************************
// get all input variables at once
$over_buy = $_POST['enlightOverBuy'];
$under_buy = $_POST['enlightUnderBuy'];
$over_loc = $_POST['enlightOverSloc'];
$under_loc = $_POST['enlightUnderSloc'];
$over_int = $_POST['enlightOverSellInt'];
$under_int = $_POST['enlightUnderSellInt'];
$final_buy = $finalPriceBuyer;
$final_loc = $finalPriceSellerLocal;
$final_int = $finalPriceSellerInt;
// now set the colors
$buy = getFontColor( $over_buy, $under_buy, $final_buy );
$loc = getFontColor( $over_loc, $under_loc, $final_loc );
$int = getFontColor( $over_int, $under_int, $final_int );
So nothing different here. Now the function:
// function to return color based on input
function getFontColor( $over, $under, $final ) {
// colors
$white = '#fff';
$green = '#0f0';
$violet = '#f0f';
$red = '#d00000';
Fist step: if function get the "0" number font will be white so:
if ($final != '0') {
Second step: if both the "value" are sent by the form
if (!empty($over) and !empty($under)) {
Third step: if FINAL is a number between over and under
if ($final >= $over && $final <= $under) {
return $green;
if not
} else {
go RED
return $red;
Fourth step: else if one of the "value", or the other one, is empty
} else if (!empty($over) or !empty($under)) {
Fifth step: if FINAL is a number higher than "over" value, or lower than "under" value
if ($final >= $over or $final <= $under) {
return $green;
else go RED
} else {
return $red;
Sixth step: in any other case, go WHITE
} else {
return $white;
So I would have GREEN if $final is in between two values received from form, but if you have only one value input (so under or over), if $final is higher than over or lower than under, go GREEN. In any other caso, go RED, if $final is not "0".
Here is the full code without spaces:
// ENLIGHT NUMBERS ***************************************************
// get all input variables at once
$over_buy = $_POST['enlightOverBuy'];
$under_buy = $_POST['enlightUnderBuy'];
$over_loc = $_POST['enlightOverSloc'];
$under_loc = $_POST['enlightUnderSloc'];
$over_int = $_POST['enlightOverSellInt'];
$under_int = $_POST['enlightUnderSellInt'];
$final_buy = $finalPriceBuyer;
$final_loc = $finalPriceSellerLocal;
$final_int = $finalPriceSellerInt;
// now set the colors
$buy = getFontColor( $over_buy, $under_buy, $final_buy );
$loc = getFontColor( $over_loc, $under_loc, $final_loc );
$int = getFontColor( $over_int, $under_int, $final_int );
// function to return color based on input
function getFontColor( $over, $under, $final ) {
// colors
$white = '#fff';
$green = '#0f0';
$violet = '#f0f';
$red = '#d00000';
if ($final != '0') {
if (!empty($over) and !empty($under)) {
if ($final >= $over && $final <= $under) {
return $green;
} else {
return $red;
} else if (!empty($over) or !empty($under)) {
if ($final >= $over or $final <= $under) {
return $green;
} else {
return $red;
} else {
return $white;
It seems correct to me, but I'm receiving a strange result, the echos you will see were created by me to make a check of function behavior.
Please do not consider my Italian comments, but the result is a non-sense, considering in:
- 1st example: GREEN (0.127839 is NOT under 0.125, so should be RED) RED (correct) - GREEN (correct)
- 2nd example: GREEN (0.154761 is NOT under 0.125, so should be RED) - RED (correct) - GREEN (correct)
- 3rd example: GREEN (0.14442 is NOT under 0.125, so should be RED) - RED (correct) - GREEN (correct)
- 4th example: GREEN (0.129195 is NOT under 0.125, so should be RED) - RED (correct) - RED (correct).
How is it possible that using the same function you get always an error on 1st usage and correct answer on the next 2 uses?
Here is the code:
$over_buy = number_format($_POST['enlightOverBuy'], 6);
$under_buy = number_format($_POST['enlightUnderBuy'], 6);
$over_loc = number_format($_POST['enlightOverSloc'], 6);
$under_loc = number_format($_POST['enlightUnderSloc'], 6);
$over_int = number_format($_POST['enlightOverSellInt'], 6);
$under_int = number_format($_POST['enlightUnderSellInt'], 6);
$final_buy = $finalPriceBuyer;
$final_loc = $finalPriceSellerLocal;
$final_int = $finalPriceSellerInt;
// now set the colors
$buy = getFontColor( $over_buy, $under_buy, $final_buy );
$loc = getFontColor( $over_loc, $under_loc, $final_loc );
$int = getFontColor( $over_int, $under_int, $final_int );
// function to return color based on input
function getFontColor( $over, $under, $final ) {
// colors
$white = '#fff';
$green = '#0f0';
$red = '#FF3300';
if ($final != '0') {
if (!empty($over) and !empty($under)) {
if ($final >= $over && $final <= $under) {
return $green;
} else {
return $red;
} elseif (!empty($over)) {
return ($final >= $over) ? $green : $red;
} elseif (!empty($under)) {
return ($final <= $under) ? $green : $red;
} else {
return $white;
You must check the most restrictive condition first. See this code:
Whenever case A evaluates as true, case B also does. But the reverse situation might not. Therefore if you put case B first in an IF ELSE, it will always return true before reaching case A.
Fixed code sample:
Instinctively, I get the feeling that you actually want the AND condition to be green and the OR condition to be violet, but I can be wrong about that. And I must point out the red condtion only fires if the boundaries are set in the wrong order, although that seems appropriate.
Regarding update 2015-06-29:
In this code:
In your examples, you get $green because $over is evaluated as zero, therefore any positive value will return green. You must only evaluate the value that is not empty.