EDITED: Debugged some of the code but issue persists:
The issue i'm having with the following code is that the link always takes me to the last image in the set. I've tried reversing the array of photo's but it had no effect. Any help would be appreciated.
$dir = 'pic';
$albums = array_diff(scandir($dir),array('..', '.', 'thumbs'));
foreach ($albums as $album) {
$albumdir = $dir.'/'.$album;
$coverdir = $albumdir.'/thumbs';
$thumbs = array_diff(scandir($coverdir),array('..', '.'));
//re-index $thumbs
$thumbs = array_values($thumbs);
//1 random cover image from each album
$rnd_min = 0;
$rnd_max = count($thumbs)-1;
$rnd_i = mt_rand($rnd_min, $rnd_max);
$covers = $thumbs[$rnd_i];
//re-index $covers
echo $rnd_i.'<br>';
//populate hrefs
$photos = array_diff(scandir($albumdir),array('..', '.', 'thumbs'));
//re-index $photos
$photos = array_values($photos);
foreach ($photos as $photo) {
echo '<a href="'.$albumdir.'/'.$photo.'" data-lightbox="'.$album.'">';
//display cover images
echo '<img src="'.$coverdir.'/'.$covers.'" class="img-responsive"></a>';
hmmm try reversing scandir