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echo get_current_user();
$file_path = "templates\index.tpl";
$test = getcwd() . "\\".        $file_path;
echo $test."\r\n";

if(is_readable($test)) {
echo ("Readable!\r\n");
} else {
echo ("Not readable!\r\n");

odbc_connect("kontaktdb", null, null);

Returns "Readable!"

echo get_current_user();
$file_path = "templates\index.tpl";
$test = getcwd() . "\\".        $file_path;
echo $test."\r\n";

odbc_connect("kontaktdb", null, null);

if(is_readable($test)) {
echo ("Readable!\r\n");
} else {
echo ("Not readable!\r\n");

Returns "Not readable!"

So when is_readable is called after the ODBC Connection is made, it fails - nothing else has changed.

Windows Server 2012 + IIS + PHP 5.4.45

I have absolute no idea what's the cause of it. Any ideas?

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