I've a big problem. The following code does not return the header, but the page exists:
$withWarning = get_headers("http://www.test.de",1);
but this works:
$withWarning = get_headers("https://www.test.de",1);
// -----------------------------^
Both urls (with http and https) are valid...
An other url with no return:
Could someone please help me to get a header from all urls? Thank you very much.
Greetings Hans
EDIT1) Now I've got the server error file: Warning: get_headers(http://www.test.de): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/html/test.php on line 10
Does someone know this error and a solution?
I know, this is not an error, but too long to copy as comment. This is the first for me.