Photoshop redraw issue in JSX modal window when adding dynamic text fields

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I'm having a terrible time trying to get my Photoshop modal dialog to properly redraw the window after adding text fields on the fly in Windows.

There's no issue on Mac, but on Windows the fields look mangled and will not show what is being typed into them.

I've tried various refresh/redraw methods, but nothing seems to work...

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Screen shot of fields on Mac

Screen shot of fields on Windows

Here is a very simplified version of my script:

#target photoshop

var dlg = new Window('dialog', 'Dynamic Fields Test');

dlg.populateBtn = dlg.add('button', undefined, 'Add fields', {name:'ok'});
dlg.closeBtn = dlg.add('button', undefined, 'Close', {name:'cancel'});

// Create a panel to hold fields group
dlg.dynamicPanel = dlg.add('panel', undefined, "Dynamic Fields:");
dlg.dynamicPanel.orientation = 'column';
dlg.dynamicPanel.alignChildren = 'left';

// Create group to add fields to
dlg.dynamicPanel.fields = dlg.dynamicPanel.add('group', undefined, undefined);
dlg.dynamicPanel.fields.orientation = 'column';

dlg.populateBtn.onClick = function() { dlg.close(); }

dlg.populateBtn.onClick = function()
        // Create 10 dynamic edit text fields
        for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            dlg.dynamicPanel.fields[i] = dlg.dynamicPanel.fields.add('group', undefined, undefined);
            dlg.dynamicPanel.fields[i].orientation = 'row';
            dlg.dynamicPanel.fields[i].title = dlg.dynamicPanel.fields[i].add('statictext', undefined, 'Dynamic field' + i);
            dlg.dynamicPanel.fields[i].textField = dlg.dynamicPanel.fields[i].add('edittext {text:"", characters:10, justify:"left"}');

        // Try our best to refresh the window
    } catch(e) {
        $.writeln(e + " - line: " + e.line);


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