Phase space trajectories for Hindmarsh-Rose model

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I am trying to plot the phase space trajectories for the Hindmarsh-Rose model. I have implemented an RK4 integrator to solve the following set of equations:

enter image description here

The code that I have written so far is given below.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def RK4(f, x0, t):
    dt   = t[2] -t[1]  #time span 
    N    = len(t)
    X    = np.empty((len(t), len(x0)))
    X[0] = x0
    for i in range(1, N):
        k1 = f(X[i-1], t[i-1])
        k2 = f(X[i-1] + dt/2*k1, t[i-1] + dt/2)
        k3 = f(X[i-1] + dt/2*k2, t[i-1] + dt/2)
        k4 = f(X[i-1] + dt*k3, t[i-1] + dt)
        X[i] = X[i-1] + dt/6*(k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4)
    return X

def hindmarsh(X, t):
    a  = 3.0
    c  = 1.0
    d  = 5.0
    s  = 4.0
    x0 = - 1.6
    # Bifurcation parameters
    b   = 3.09
    I   = 3.2
    eps = 0.001
    x,y,z = X
    dxdt  = y - (a * x**3) + (b * x**2) + I - z 
    dydt  = c - (d * x**2) - y 
    dzdt  = eps * ( (s * (x - x0)) - z) 
    return np.array([dxdt, dydt, dzdt])

T     = np.linspace(0,100,10000)

Y     = [0.03, 0.03, 3]

param = RK4( hindmarsh, Y, T )

ax = plt.axes(projection='3d')

zline = param[2]
yline = param[1]
xline = param[0]


ax.plot3D(xline, yline, zline)

However, instead of getting an orbit in the phase space such as the figure below, I get a straight line through the phase space. I would appreciate any tips on how to obtain the plot below.

enter image description here


There are 1 answers

Alexander S. Brunmayr On BEST ANSWER

param has shape (len(T), len(Y)), so time is in the first dimension and the x,y,z are in the second dimension. You will get the correct plot with

zline = param[:,0]
xline = param[:,1]
yline = param[:,2]