I have an ExpandoObject with an arbitrary number of properties. I want to persist those properties to a MongoDB database as a BsonDocument. I try to do so with the following code:
private BsonDocument GetPlayerDocument(IPlayer player)
var ret = new BsonDocument();
ret.Add("FirstName", player.FirstName).
Add("LastName", player.LastName).
Add("Team", player.Team).
Add("Positions", new BsonArray(player.Positions));
foreach (var stat in (IDictionary<String, Object>)player.Stats)
ret.Add(stat.Key, stat.Value.ToBson());
return ret;
However, on calling the extension method ToBson() on object, I receive the following exception: WriteInt32 cannot be called when State is: Initial.
The only WrtieInt32 I know is a static method of the Marshall class. Am I approaching this wrong?
May be it will be better to use Array of dynamic objects. some thing like this: