Persistent non-interactive FTP session for usage in shell scripts

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I would like to script a complex scenario of file transfers from Linux to a Windows FTP server (detecting new/changed files and then transfer) and I am unable to find a command-line ftp client which supports sending files over a persistent (one time login) session on non-interactive mode.

ssh/scp with password-less authentication is not an option, since I have no access to the Windows FTP server.

For example using lftp

`lftp -u user,pass -p 21 -e "mput newfile.txt;"` 

will upload my file to the server, but requires authentication/handshaking to happen on every request, which takes a long time and severely slows down the transfers.

I am wondering whether there is a way to authenticate once, establish a persistent connection and then sending the files over this connection. lftp and other clients are able to do this in interactive mode (connect and then perform multiple commands until quitting).


  • Is there an FTP client on Linux which may operate like this in non-interactive mode?
  • Alternatively, is there a way to simulate this behaviour, scripting over the interactive mode? Maybe something utilizing expect with netcat/telnet and/or named pipes?

There are 1 answers

glenn jackman On

Untested, but you can do something like this Tcl:

package require ftp
set conn [ftp::Open server user pass]
while true {
    after 5000          ;# sleep 5 seconds
    foreach newfile [glob -nocomplain *] {
        puts "sending $newfile"
        ftp::Put $newfile
        file delete $newfile

The expect would be similar. untested:

set timeout -1
spawn lftp -u user,pass server
expect "> "
while true {
    sleep 5
    foreach newfile [glob -nocomplain *] {
        puts "sending $newfile"
        send "put $newfile\r"
        expect "> "
        file delete $newfile
    send "\r"          ;# "hit enter" as a keep-alive