perl sort multiple arryrefs of date time strings

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I want to sort an arrayref %results (Time-strings, from old to new), it has multiple keys but I just posted one key to show how it looks like:

'Ende Monatswechsel P-Konten' => [
                                         '17.02.2018 05:17:39',
                                         '14.02.2018 04:28:11',
                                         '23.02.2018 03:17:17',
                                         '22.02.2018 03:39:20',

I am expecting:

    'Ende Monatswechsel P-Konten' => [
                                         '14.02.2018 04:28:11',
                                         '17.02.2018 05:17:39',
                                         '22.02.2018 03:39:20',
                                         '23.02.2018 03:17:17',

Does any know how to do this? I tried:

my $columns = map [ $_, sort{$a <=> $b} @{ $results{$_} } ], keys %results;

but it doesn't work. Thanks in advance.

My code looks like this:

while(my $line=<F>) {
    #- Info: 19.02.2018 00:01:01 --- Start Tageswechsel-CoBa ---
    #- Info: 27.11.2018 04:16:42 --- Ende Tageswechsel-CoBa ---
            if ($line=~ /(\d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d) --- (.+? Tageswechsel-CoBa) -.*\s*$/)
                    ($timestamp, $action) = ($1,$2);
            if ( !defined $filter{$action}{$timestamp} ) {
                    push @{$results{$action}}, $timestamp;
                    $filter{$action}{$timestamp} = 1;

print Dumper(\%results) outputs:

'Start Tageswechsel-CoBa' => [
                                '17.02.2018 05:12:13',
                                '20.02.2018 04:23:16',
                                '22.02.2018 03:12:46',
                                '23.02.2018 03:34:28',
                                '27.02.2018 03:41:25',
                                '02.03.2018 03:32:26',
'Ende Tageswechsel-CoBa' => [
                                    '17.02.2018 05:20:01',
                                    '19.02.2018 06:01:02',
                                    '20.02.2018 04:29:44',
                                    '22.02.2018 03:19:04',
                                    '23.02.2018 03:40:52',
                                    '26.02.2018 06:01:26',

There are 3 answers

Dave Cross On

Something like this would work:


use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';

use Data::Dumper;

my $data = [
  '17.02.2018 05:17:39',
  '14.02.2018 04:28:11',
  '23.02.2018 03:17:17',
  '22.02.2018 03:39:20',

my @sorted = sort {
  my @a = split /[\. ]/, $a;
  my @b = split /[\. ]/, $b;
  return (
    $a[2] <=> $b[2] or  # year
    $a[1] <=> $b[1] or  # month
    $a[0] <=> $b[0] or  # day of month
    $a[3] cmp $b[3]     # time
} @$data;

say Dumper @sorted;

I'm splitting each value into chunks and then sorting them from largest chunk to smallest. Note that as the time is a string, not a number I use cmp instead of <=>.

This is slightly inefficient, as I'm re-splitting each data item several times. If that's a problem, then you could look at something like a Schwartzian Transform.

But the best solution to this would be to get a sortable timestamp in the first place. If your dates were YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM:SS, then you could just do a simple string sort.

Update: My output is

$ perl sortdate
$VAR1 = '14.02.2018 04:28:11';
$VAR2 = '17.02.2018 05:17:39';
$VAR3 = '22.02.2018 03:39:20';
$VAR4 = '23.02.2018 03:17:17';

Update 2: I've edited my code to make it more like your example. Hope this helps.


use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';

use Data::Dumper;

my %results = (
  'Ende Monatswechsel P-Konten' => [
    '17.02.2018 05:17:39',
    '14.02.2018 04:28:11',
    '23.02.2018 03:17:17',
    '22.02.2018 03:39:20',

foreach my $k (keys %results) {
  my @sorted = sort {
    my @a = split /[\. ]/, $a;
    my @b = split /[\. ]/, $b;
    return (
      $a[2] <=> $b[2] or  # year
      $a[1] <=> $b[1] or  # month
      $a[0] <=> $b[0] or  # day of month
      $a[3] <=> $b[3]     # time
  } @{ $results{$k} };

  $results{$k} = \@sorted;

say Dumper \%results;

And the output...

$VAR1 = {
          'Ende Monatswechsel P-Konten' => [
                                             '14.02.2018 04:28:11',
                                             '17.02.2018 05:17:39',
                                             '22.02.2018 03:39:20',
                                             '23.02.2018 03:17:17'
beasy On

Splitting the strings and comparing the parts is appropriate for sorting many types of "multipart" values, however since you are dealing with datetimes, you can use the core module Time::Piece to turn the strings into datetime objects which can be compared using the <=> operator.

Time::Piece provides the strptime method, which parses a date string into a Time::Piece object using a format string. Time::Piece objects can be compared using numerical comparison operators.

use v5.10;
use strict
use warnings;
use Time::Piece;

my @vals = (
    '17.02.2018 05:17:39',
    '14.02.2018 04:28:11',
    '23.02.2018 03:17:17',
    '22.02.2018 03:39:20',

say for sort {dt($a) <=> dt($b)} @vals;


sub dt {
    my $str = shift;
    return Time::Piece->strptime($str,'%e.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S') 
Unsal On

I actually used Dave's approach now (since I don't have the module Time::Piece installed) slightly different but it works now, not sure though about the efficency:

my @array;
my @sorted;
my %aref_n;

for my $key ( keys %results ) {
    for my $i (0..$#{ $results{$key} }) {
            push @array, $results{$key}[$i];

    @sorted = sort {
            my @a = split /[\. ]/, $a;
            my @b = split /[\. ]/, $b;
            return (
                    $a[2] <=> $b[2] or
                    $a[1] <=> $b[1] or
                    $a[0] <=> $b[0] or
                    $a[3] cmp $b[3]
            } @array;

    $aref_n{$key} = [ @sorted ];
