Perl script appending date

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Am running this perl script ever day on my server and am getting the below output for the script. I am trying to modify the script to also include the current hour as part of the output. How can I go about doing this?

This is my current script:

#Prism Performance log Parser

use strict;

my $cbal_total;
my $cbal_count =0;
my $stck_total = 0;
my $stck_count =0;
my $chg_total = 0;
my $chg_count =0;
my $rmac_total = 0;
my $rmac_count =0;
my $rmd_total = 0;
my $rmd_count =0;
my $cbalT;

my $stckT;
my $rmacT;
my $rmdT;
my $chgT;
my $total;
my $count;
my $cbal;
my $stck;
my $hour;

my $chg;
my $rmac;
my $rmd;

my $lesThresh=0;
my $gtThresh=0;
my $stck_lesThresh=0;
my $stck_gtThresh=0;
my $rmd_lesThresh=0;
my $rmd_gtThresh=0;
my $chg_lesThresh=0;
my $chg_gtThresh=0;
my $rmac_lesThresh=0;
my $rmac_gtThresh=0;

my %CheckBal;
my %SubTypeCheck;
my %charging;
my %remoteAct;
my %remoteDct;

my $chgkey;
my $cbalkey;
my $stckkey;
my $rmackey;
my $rmdkey;

my @value;
my $ct;
my $component;
my $component2;

while (my $line =<>) {
    my @f = split(/\|/, $line);
    my $i;
    $hour = substr($f[0],11,2);

    for ($i==0;$i<=100; $i++) {
        if (($f[$i]=~m/CBAL/) && ($f[$i]!~m/CBAL,100/)) {
            if (!exists($CheckBal{$cbalkey})) {
            $cbalT = substr($cbal,index($cbal,",T=")+3,index($cbal,"\n"));
            if ($cbalT <= 300) {
            $cbal_total +=$cbalT;
            $cbal_count ++;
            #$CheckBal{$cbalkey} =($cbal_total).",".($cbal_count).",".($lesThresh).",".$gtThresh.",".($cbal_total/$cbal_count);
            $CheckBal{$cbalkey} =($cbal_count).",".($cbal_total).",".($cbal_total/$cbal_count).",".($lesThresh).",".$gtThresh;

            if (!exists($SubTypeCheck{$stckkey})) {
            $stckT = substr($stck,index($stck,",T=")+3,index($stck,"\n"));
            if ($stckT <= 300) {
            $stck_total +=$stckT;
            $stck_count ++;
#           $SubTypeCheck{$stckkey} =($stck_total).",".($stck_count).",".($stck_lesThresh).",".$stck_gtThresh.",".($stck_total/$stck_count);
            $SubTypeCheck{$stckkey} =($stck_count).",".($stck_total).",".($stck_total/$stck_count).",".($stck_lesThresh).",".$stck_gtThresh;

            if (!exists($charging{$chgkey})) {
            $chgT = substr($chg,index($chg,",T=")+3,index($chg,"\n"));
            if ($chgT <= 300) {
            $chg_total +=$chgT;
            $chg_count ++;
#           $charging{$chgkey} =($chg_total).",".($chg_count).",".($chg_lesThresh).",".$chg_gtThresh.",".($chg_total/$chg_count);
            $charging{$chgkey} =($chg_count).",".($chg_total).",".($chg_total/$chg_count).",".($chg_lesThresh).",".$chg_gtThresh;
        }elsif(($f[$i]=~m/RMAC/) && ($f[$i]!~m/RMAC,96/)){
            if (!exists($remoteAct{$rmackey})) {
            $rmacT = substr($rmac,index($rmac,",T=")+3,index($rmac,"\n"));
            if ($rmacT <= 300) {
            $rmac_total +=$rmacT;
            $rmac_count ++;
#           $remoteAct{$rmackey} =($rmac_total).",".($rmac_count).",".($rmac_lesThresh).",".$rmac_gtThresh.",".($rmac_total/$rmac_count);
            $remoteAct{$rmackey} =($rmac_count).",".($rmac_total).",".($rmac_total/$rmac_count).",".($rmac_lesThresh).",".$rmac_gtThresh;

        }elsif(($f[$i]=~m/RMD/) && ($f[$i]!~m/RMD,96/)){
            if (!exists($remoteDct{$rmdkey})) {
            $rmdT = substr($rmd,index($rmd,",T=")+3,index($rmd,"\n"));
            if ($rmdT <= 300) {
            $rmd_total +=$rmdT;
            $rmd_count ++;
#           $remoteDct{$rmdkey} =($rmd_total).",".($rmd_count).",".($rmd_lesThresh).",".$rmd_gtThresh.",".($rmd_total/$rmd_count);
            $remoteDct{$rmdkey} =($rmd_count).",".($rmd_total).",".($rmd_total/$rmd_count).",".($rmd_lesThresh).",".$rmd_gtThresh;




print "Balance Check\n";
print "Hour,Task,Total Transactions,Total Processing Time/ms,Average TPS/ms,<300 ms,>300 ms\n";
    print "No record found for STCK\n";
foreach (sort keys %CheckBal){
    print $_.",".$CheckBal{$_}."\n";

Current Output:

Balance Check
Hour,Task,Total Transactions,Total Processing Time/ms,Average TPS/ms,<300 ms,>300 ms

Desired Output:

Balance Check
date,Hour,Task,Total Transactions,Total Processing Time/ms,Average TPS/ms,<300 ms,>300 ms

There are 1 answers

Miller On

To get the current hour, use Time::Piece

 use strict;
 use warnings;

 use Time::Piece;

 print localtime->strftime("%H"), "\n";

How to insert that functionality into your script is an exercise for you.