Perl printing rows and columns from HTML table

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Here's my temp.html

<table border="1">
<td>row 1, cell 1</td>
<td>row 1, cell 2</td>
<td>row 2, cell 1</td>
<td>row 2, cell 2</td>

I am trying to print each element in above table using below code -


use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
use HTML::TableExtract;

my $tex = HTML::TableExtract->new(keep_html=>1);

my ($table) = $tex->tables;
#print Dumper($table);

my $numColumns = @{$table->rows->[0]};
print "\n numColumns = $numColumns\n";
my $numRows = @{$table->rows};
print "\n numRows = $numRows\n";

for my $rowIndex ( 0..$numRows-1 ) { 
    for my $columnIndex ( 0..$numColumns-1 ) { 
       print "\n row $rowIndex column $columnIndex $table->rows->[$rowIndex][$columnIndex] ";

It prints -

row 0 column 0 HTML::TableExtract::Table=HASH(0x8e7d7f8)->rows->[0][0] 
row 0 column 1 HTML::TableExtract::Table=HASH(0x8e7d7f8)->rows->[0][1] 
row 1 column 0 HTML::TableExtract::Table=HASH(0x8e7d7f8)->rows->[1][0] 
row 1 column 1 HTML::TableExtract::Table=HASH(0x8e7d7f8)->rows->[1][1]

If I use @{$table->rows->[$rowIndex]}->[$columnIndex] instead of $table->rows->[$rowIndex][$columnIndex] I get correct output, but with a warning. How to remove the warning?

Using an array as a reference is deprecated at line 21.

row 0 column 0 row 1, cell 1 
row 0 column 1 row 1, cell 2 
row 1 column 0 row 2, cell 1 
row 1 column 1 row 2, cell 2

There are 2 answers


You cannot call methods inside strings. While you can dereference variables inside strings and can access elements from hashes or arrays as well, method calls are not supported.

Instead of

print "... $table->rows->[$rowIndex][$columnIndex] ";

You want

my $cell_value = $table->rows->[$rowIndex][$columnIndex];
print "... $cell_value ";

Other alternatives include using some kind of dereference. You found a solution like

print "... ${$table->rows->[$rowIndex]}[$columnIndex] ";

which works because the method call is now inside a dereferenced block, which can include arbitrary code. A more common way is to use the “shopping cart” pseudo-operator @{[ ... ]}, which allows interpolation of arbitrary code:

print "... @{[ $table->rows->[$rowIndex][$columnIndex] ]} ";
user13107 On

Figured it out.

As per


should be


So in my case,


should be
