I have been trying to find values that match between two columns (columns a and column b) of a large file and print the common values, plus the corresponding column d. I have been doing this by interating through hashes, however, because the file is so large, there is not enough memory to produce the output file. Is there any other way to do the same thing using less memory resources.
Any help is much appreciated.
The script I have written thus far is below:
use warnings;
use strict;
open (FILE1, "<input.txt") || die "$!\n Couldn't open input.txt\n";
open (Output, ">output.txt")||die "Can't Open output.txt ";
my $hash1={};
my $hash2={};
while (<FILE1>) {
chomp (my $line=$_);
my ($a, $b, $c, $d) = split (/\t/, $line);
if ($a) {
$hash1->{$a}{info1} = "$d"; #original_ID-> YOB
if ($b) {
$hash2->{$b}{info2} = "$a"; #original_ID-> sire
foreach my $key (keys %$hash2) {
if (exists $hash1{$a}) {
$info1 = $hash1->{$a}->{info1};
print "$a\t$info1\n";
close FILE1;
close Output;
print "Done\n";
To clarify, the input file is a large pedigree file. An example is:
1 2 3 1977
2 4 5 1944
3 4 5 1950
4 5 6 1930
5 7 6 1928
An example of the output file is:
2 1944
4 1950
5 1928
Does the below work for you ?