Perl Catalyst - Couldn't render template..........not found

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The error I am getting in the development server:

[info] *** Request 2 (0.000/s) [681] [Thu Dec 12 21:05:39 2013] ***
[debug] Path is "homescreen"
[debug] "GET" request for "homescreen" from ""
[debug] Rendering template "homescreen/homescreen.tt2"
[error] Couldn't render template "homescreen/homescreen.tt2: file error - homescreen/homescreen.tt2: not found"
[error] Couldn't render template "homescreen/homescreen.tt2: file error - homescreen/homescreen.tt2: not found"
[debug] Response Code: 500; Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8; Content-Length: 14312
[info] Request took 0.033915s (29.485/s)
| Action                                                     | Time      |
| /homescreen                                                | 0.000341s |
| /end                                                       | 0.014055s |
|  -> Myproject::View::HTML->process                         | 0.013049s |

What I am doing:

I have the following Controller/

package Myproject::Controller::Homescreen;

use strict;
use warnings;
use parent 'Catalyst::Controller';
use Data::Dumper;
use JSON;

__PACKAGE__->config->{namespace} = '';

sub homescreen :Path('/homescreen') :Args(0)  {

        my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

        $c->stash({template => 'homescreen/homescreen.tt2',
                   title => 'Home Screen'

I have the following View/

package Myproject::View::HTML;
use Moose;
use namespace::autoclean;

extends 'Catalyst::View::TT';

    #Changed default TT extension to TT2
    render_die => 1,

I have the following lib/

    name => 'Myproject',
    # Disable deprecated behavior needed by old applications
    disable_component_resolution_regex_fallback => 1,
    #enable_catalyst_header => 1, # Send X-Catalyst header

        #Configure the view
        'View::HMTL' => {
                #Set the location for TT files
                INCLUDE_PATH => [
                        __PACKAGE__->path_to( 'root', 'src' ),

# Start the application

I then have a root/src/homescreen/homescreen.tt2 withing my Catalyst directory that contains all my html code (eventually it will use the template toolkit,but at the moment it is purely html and javscript code which I know is fine).

The error I get on the application page in my browser is:

Couldn't render template "homescreen/homescreen.tt2: file error - homescreen/homescreen.tt2: not found" 

I have tried using DEBUG => 'undef' in my View to help with debugging, but I don't seem to get any extra output.

There is probably something very obvious I am overlooking but I cannot work out what it is.


I have just noticed the following in the Config section of my browser debug screen:


  do {
  my $a = {
    "Action::RenderView" => {
      ignore_classes => [
      scrubber_func  => sub { ... },
    "disable_component_resolution_regex_fallback" => 1,
    "home" => "/home/fred/Myproject",
    "name" => "Myproject",
    "Plugin::ConfigLoader" => {},
    "Plugin::Static::Simple" => {
      debug => 1,
      dirs => [],
      ignore_dirs => [],
      ignore_extensions => ["tmpl", "tt", "tt2", "html", "xhtml"],   <---- IS THIS SIGNIFICANT AT ALL?
      include_path => [
          dirs => ["", "home", "fred", "Myproject", "root"],
          file_spec_class => undef,
          volume => "",
        }, "Path::Class::Dir"),
      mime_types => {},
      mime_types_obj => bless({}, "MIME::Types"),
      no_logs => 1,
    "root" => 'fix',
    "stacktrace" => { context => 3, verbose => 0 },
    "static" => 'fix',
    "View::HMTL" => {
      INCLUDE_PATH => [
          dirs => ["", "home", "fred", "Myproject", "root", "src"],
          file_spec_class => undef,
          volume => "",
        }, "Path::Class::Dir"),
  $a->{"root"} = $a->{"Plugin::Static::Simple"}{include_path}[0];
  $a->{"static"} = $a->{"Plugin::Static::Simple"};

I take it this means it is ignoring my template file because it has the .tt2 file extension?

However, I am not setting this ignore_extensions attribute anywhere in my Catalyst project? Is this the cause of my problem or something totally unrelated?


There are 1 answers


It looks like your configuration isn't taking effect. Try putting your template in root/homescreen/homescreen.tt2 instead of root/src/homescreen/homescreen.tt2, and Catalyst finds it.

Ahh, you have a typo in your lib/

        #Configure the view
        'View::HMTL' => {

Try 'View::HTML' instead (notice you have HMTL - wrong spelling).