I have the following program snippet
my $nfdump_command = "nfdump -M /data/nfsen/profiles-data/live/upstream1 -T -R ${syear}/${smonth}/${sday}/nfcapd.${syear}${smonth}${sday}0000:${eyear}/${emonth}/${eday}/nfcapd.${eyear}${emonth}${eday}2355 -n 100 -s ip/bytes -N -o csv -q | awk 'BEGIN { FS = \",\" } ; { if (NR > 1) print \$5, \$10 }'";
syslog("info", $nfdump_command);
my %args;
Nfcomm::socket_send_ok ($socket, \%args);
my @nfdump_output = `$nfdump_command`;
my %domain_name_to_bytes;
my %domain_name_to_ip_addresses;
syslog("info", Dumper(\@nfdump_output));
foreach my $a_line (@nfdump_output) {
syslog("info", "LINE: " . $a_line);
Bug: @nfdump_output is empty.
The $nfdump_command is correct and it printing output when ran individually
This program was working for sometime and then it broke. Couldn't figure out why. After moving my development setup to another virtual machine, I found out that using absolute path to nfdump fixes it