May I seek help, I am trying to install Percona Server for MongoDB on a linux machine. However I am encountering this error.
The server has an existing mongodb and I am trying to install percona-server-mongodb via
sudo yum install percona-server-mongodb.version
But I am encountering
Error: percona-server-mongodb conflicts with mongodb-org-version.amzn1x86_64
What can I do to resolve this issue, should I uninstall the existing first? I wanted to know your opinion before I uninstall it because I am currently in uat-prod server because there is no test server to test it, but I already kept a backup of the databases and snapshots incase something goes wrong.
I am installing percona to do an encryption of database at rest by the way.
Thank You
Uninstall conflicting packages.
If you are doing this in production, you should have backed up your data and tested the backup.