Pedometer package in flutter doesn't work with some devices

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I used the pedometer package version ^1.2.0 in my flutter app and I noticed that it doesn't work with some devices like Samsung A30 and others, the version I used doesn't need any permissions and it worked on my device OPPO F7 (Used Android 10) so what is the problem?

Here's the code

StreamSubscription<int> _subscription;
Box<int> stepsBox ='steps');
int todaySteps;

void initState() {

void dispose() {

void startListening() {
_pedometer = Pedometer();
_subscription = _pedometer.pedometerStream.listen(
  onError: _onError,
  onDone: _onDone,
  cancelOnError: true,

void _onDone() => print("Finished pedometer tracking");
void _onError(error) => print("Flutter Pedometer Error: $error");

Future<int> getTodaySteps(int value) async {
int savedStepsCountKey = 999999;
int savedStepsCount = stepsBox.get(savedStepsCountKey, defaultValue: 0);

int todayDayNo = Jiffy(;
if (value < savedStepsCount) {
  // Upon device reboot, pedometer resets. When this happens, the saved counter must be reset as well.
  savedStepsCount = 0;
  // persist this value using a package of your choice here
  stepsBox.put(savedStepsCountKey, savedStepsCount);

// load the last day saved using a package of your choice here
int lastDaySavedKey = 888888;
int lastDaySaved = stepsBox.get(lastDaySavedKey, defaultValue: 0);

// When the day changes, reset the daily steps count
// and Update the last day saved as the day changes.
if (lastDaySaved < todayDayNo) {
  lastDaySaved = todayDayNo;
  savedStepsCount = value;

    ..put(lastDaySavedKey, lastDaySaved)
    ..put(savedStepsCountKey, savedStepsCount);

setState(() {
  todaySteps = value - savedStepsCount;
stepsBox.put(todayDayNo, todaySteps);
return todaySteps; // this is your daily steps value.

void stopListening() {

There are 2 answers

Luiz Filipe Medeira On

I think that in this case it would be better to ask the question directly in the lib repository, open an issue with your problem.

Tom k Mangattu On

check for permission.

await Permission.activityRecognition.request().isGranted

this will check for permission and request permission if the permission is not allowed

if (await Permission.activityRecognition.request().isGranted) {
  _pedestrianStatusStream = Pedometer.pedestrianStatusStream;

  _stepCountStream = Pedometer.stepCountStream;
if (!mounted) return;