PDO SQLSRV And PDO Dblib Giving Different Result for Varbinary Datatype

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$conn = new PDO("sqlsrv:server=$host;Database=$db",$user,$pass);
$query = "SELECT TOP 1 CAST(session AS VARBINARY(MAX)) as session FROM t_php_session WHERE php_session_id = '3l7kmpbno002e1vl5sncauhoq3' AND DATEADD(minute, 30, created) >= GETDATE() AND user_ip = '127000000001'";
$stmt = $conn->prepare($query);
$result = $stmt->fetchColumn();
echo $result;

The output of above code in Linux (PDO, DBLIB) is:


The output of above code in Windows (PDO, SQLSRV) is:


What changes I will need to make in Windows source code to get the output as same as Linux System?


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