pdftron html2pdf sample can't work on k8s?

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run from this Dockerfile

FROM centos:8
USER root
RUN yum install -y wget java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel.i686
RUN wget https://www.pdftron.com/downloads/PDFNetC64.tar.gz
RUN tar xvfz PDFNetC64.tar.gz
RUN cd PDFNetC64/Samples/HTML2PDFTest/JAVA
CMD ["/bin/bash", "RunTest.sh"]

The result is perfect, pdfs can be generated. However, if I deploy the docker image in a k8s (UI: rancher) env, then it stopped working, the screenshot is:

error screenshot

So could anybody give me some clue? I am doubting there is some special settings in k8s, and because pdftron is calling native so library by JNI, so is there anything I need to pay attention to? Any idea is appreciated, thanks guys.


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