Today I had created a paypal recurring payment system, i got ack success and profile id. But when in check in my paypal developer account it shows payment start:nov 22, 2014 and next payment due:nov 22, 2014.
Profile is created successfully but amount is not crediting.Need some assistance..
Thanks in advance.
$data['AMT'];$data['ACCT'];$data['CREDITCARDTYPE']; $data['EXPDATE'] ;$data['CVV2']; $data['FIRSTNAME'] ; $data['LASTNAME'] ; $data['STREET']; $data['CITY']; $data['STATE'] ; $data['ZIP'] ; $data['PROFILESTARTDATE'] ;$data['DESC'] ; $data['BILLINGPERIOD']; $data['BILLINGFREQUENCY']; $data['TOTALBILLINGCYCLES'];$data['TAXAMOUNT'] ; $data['CURRENCYCODE'];
$api_username = '*****';
$api_pasword = '*****';
$api_signature = '*****';
$api_env = PaypalRecurringPaymentProfile::env_type_sandbox;
$api_version = '75.0';
$pp_profile = new PaypalRecurringPaymentProfile($api_username, $api_pasword, $api_signature, $api_version, $api_env);
$pp_create_profile = $pp_profile->createProfile($data);
in create profile fn ($request_param = $data):
$result = $this->paypalHttpPostRequest('CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile', $request_param);
in paypalhttp fn:
$nvp_request = "METHOD=" . $method . "&VERSION=" . $this->_api_version . "&PWD=" . $this->_api_password . "&USER=" . $this->_api_username . "&SIGNATURE=" . $this->_api_signature . $nvp_params;
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $nvp_request);
$response = curl_exec($curl);