PayPal adaptive payments returnUrl parameters

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I'm using the adaptive payments API by first issuing a Pay request with actionType=CREATE and I was wondering if it is possible that PP will redirect the user to my site with the pay_key as GET parameter?

This is what PP does with ExpressCheckout API and I was wondering if this can also happen with adaptive payments.



There are 1 answers


Based on the PayPal specification for ExpressCheckout API and Adaptive Payments API. In case of the ExpressCheckout, PayPal returns the token with the ReturnURL after the user is sent to PayPal for checkout authorization. (

In case of Adaptive Payments API PayPal does NOT send the token with the ReturnURL after the user makes the authorization (

In any case, the token retrieved in the SetExpressCheckout (for ExpressCheckouts) or Pay (for adaptive payments) can be saved in session for later usage if needed.