I'm having difficulties setting up Pax Runner Eclipse plugin so I can run Felix inside Eclipse.
I followed the instructions on https://ops4j1.jira.com/wiki/display/paxrunner/Plugin+Installation but looks like the updatesite (http://www.ops4j.org/pax/eclipse/update/) is unavailable.
I downloaded pax-runner-assembly-1.8.5-jdk15.zip from the public maven repo in an attempt of manually installing the plugin but I think I have a wrong file.
Which files do I need to download and where I should copy those files to (Eclipse plugins folder?)?
The pax runner assembly you downloaded is for running pax runner as a standalone program -- it has sh and .bat files for executing it. It is not an Eclipse plugin. Furthermore, the one I initially downloaded didn't work with java 8 and used an old felix framework.
In order to run the standalone version on my system I had to download pax-runner from git and build from source:
The standalone files will be in the pax-runner-assembly/target/pax-runnerXYZ.zip or .tar.gz.
I was able to start pax-runner using the latest felix framework (4.4.1) and in java 8.
In terms of the pax update site - yes, I had the same problem with eclipse not being able to find it. You may be able to build the plugin from source similar to building the standalone, but I have not tried that yet.
I am just starting to learn OSGI and not sure if people are using the ops4j pax software at all. Anyone with more experience care to chime in?