Currently I have a SQS queue that move the messages to a DLQ after 5 retries, I'm using spring SqsListener
to read the queue:
value = ["\${messaging.queue.orders}"],
deletionPolicy = SqsMessageDeletionPolicy.ON_SUCCESS
fun handleOrders(message: String) {
// process order
Now I'm trying to use a feature toggle to pause the listener, but I could not find a way to do that, I tried to use the Acknowledgment
manually, but the message is move to the DLQ if I don't send the success ack event:
value = ["\${messaging.queue.orders}"],
deletionPolicy = SqsMessageDeletionPolicy.NEVER
fun handleOrders(message: String, ack: Acknowledgment) {
if(toggle.orders.enabled) {
// process order
// else don not process or ack the message
As I said, the problem with the solution above is that if I don't execute the ack.acknowledge()
the message is moved to the DLQ after the fifth time, so I would need to pause/stop the SqsListener
to pull messages from the Queue if the toggle is disabled, and start/resume if it's enabled again.
I'm having a similar issue.
Googling it, I found this issue on the archived predecessor of spring-cloud-aws-sqs.
It describes this workaround:
method on themNowadays in spring-cloud-aws, @SqsListener is still there.
The listener container class you may want to autowire is
(to call its