Paste0, subset Error: 'subset' must be logical

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I would like to use paste0 to create a long string containing the conditions for the subset function.

I tried the following:

ids<-sample(id, 3)
 d <- subset(id, noquote(paste0("id==",ids,collapse="|")))

I get the

Error in subset.default(id, noquote(paste0("id==", ids, collapse = "|"))) : 
  'subset' must be logical

I tried the same without noquote. Interestinly when I run


I get [1] id==4|id==7|id==1. When I then paste this by hand in the subset formula


Everything runs nice. But why does subset(id, noquote(paste0("id==",ids,collapse="|"))) not work although it seems to be the same? Thanks a lot for your help!


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