I have a swf written in AS3 which loads an AS2 swf.
AS3 code:
var url:String = "as2.swf?myvar=hello";
var spURL:Array = url.split("?");
var urlVars:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest( spURL[0] );
req.data = urlVars;
req.method = URLRequestMethod.GET;
AS2 code:
but nothing traced!
I found solution to my question.
Full source code bellow
AS3: with a movieclip named "as2btn" and a text field named "as3_log". The publish class name is "main_as3"
AS2: with a movieclip linkage identifier "main" and class name "main_as2" includes a text field named "as2_log"