I've been working on this for a few days, at least. Testing seems to show the correct value is being returned. My problem is being able to grab the best_move
value and have it print out. I set up the suggested_move
method and try to use return suggested_move(best_move)
but it triggers the method for every level back up the tree. Also it returns the wrong value, which I'm guessing is because it's stopping before depth is back to 0.
In my minimax I had a similar setup the difference being the depth was incremented (not decremented) on successive calls. Point being I was able to say if depth == 0 p best_move
. So I'm scratching my head because using that same conditional I get a nil class error in this code.
@board = ["X","O","O","X","X","","","O",""]
def available_spaces
@board.map.with_index {|a, i| a == "" ? i+1 : nil}.compact
def suggested_move(move)
p "Suggested move: #{move}"
def full?
@board.all?{|token| token == "X" || token == "O"}
def suggested_move(move)
p "Move: #{move}"
def bestmove(board, depth=0, best_score = {})
return 0 if full?
return 1 if won?
best = -Float::INFINITY
available_spaces.each do |space|
@board[space-1] = current_player
best_score[space] = -bestmove(@board, depth-1, {})
@board[space-1] = ""
p best_score
if best_score.max_by {|key,value| value }[1] > best
best = best_score.max_by {|key,value| value }[1]
best_move = best_score.max_by {|key,value| value }[0]
return best_move