I am trying to pass a list of widgets into ca ontextmanager in which I am trying to set them with QDoubleValidators.
My initial code is something as follows:
validator = QtGui.QDoubleValidator()
Basically I have a tons of QLineEdits in which I am setting with a 2 decimal places input limit.
I am not so sure if contextmanager may helps in this case, but I am trying out something as follows:
class TestValidator:
def __init__(self, widgets_list=None):
self.validator = QtGui.QDoubleValidator()
self.widgets_list = widgets_list
print widgets_list
def __enter__(self):
for w in self.widgets_list:
def __exit__(self):
And when I tried running it as:
self.test_validator = utils.TestValidator()
my_widgets = [self.ui.retailPriceLineEdit, self.ui.discountPriceLineEdit, self.ui.onlinePriceLineEdit]
with self.test_validator(my_widgets):
I got a couple of errors such as: AttributeError: TestValidator instance has no __call__ method #
Even so, is it even a wise idea to pass widgets into a contextmanager?
(FYI, my widgets/ ui are created from qt designer)
A context-manager isn't the right tool for this job. Once you have the list of line-edits, all you need to do is iterate over them using a for-loop. An efficient way to generate the list is to use findChildren with a regexp. This can then be wrapped up in a local function like this:
Or if you can't use a pattern, you can just pass in a list of widgets instead: