I have 3 powershell scripts. First one run second(monitor for third) and third(do some actions).
When execution of third one is done (it's called in blocking way (we are waiting for exit)), i want to tell second(monitor that is called in non-blocking way) to end his action and return some values. How should I do it? I am checking in monitor script if user pressed s
key and return some values if true. I need to "press" that key in first script.
My code is like this:
#some code
$psi = new-object "Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo"
$psi.FileName = "artillery"
$arguments = "my fancy args"
$psi.Arguments = $arguments
$proc = [Diagnostics.Process]::Start($psi)
$psi2 = new-object "Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo"
$psi2.FileName = "artillery_metric_getter.ps1"
$proc2 = [Diagnostics.Process]::Start($psi2)
if ( $waitForExit ) {
$stdout = $proc.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
$stderr = $proc.StandardError.ReadToEnd()
Write-Host "stdout: $stdout"
Write-Host "stderr: $stderr"
#here i want to "press 's' key for $proc2 and catch values he return
The code of powershell script that is called in $proc2
is like:
#there is some code
$key = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey()
if ($key.Character -eq 's') {
$meanMemRet = 123 #there is some calc
$meanProcRet = 456 #there is some calc
return $meanProcRet,$meanMemRet
TLDR: So we need to "press" 's' button in first script to stop execution of monitor script. How to do it?
Given that you're okay with having a solution using a Runspace, this is how you can approach your code. Worth noting, passing arguments to the runspace is fairly easy, certainly easier than passing arguments to a
.Example using
:In your case, you can add a
block to yourartillery_metric_getter.ps1
. It's also worth noting that, the script invokingartillery_metric_getter.ps1
must block, awaiting for either ans
key press or the task completion.Following up from comments, since the runspace is hooked to your
listening ons
key press is also possible inside it, using this as an example forartillery_metric_getter.ps1
:Then from your main thread you leave the while loop empty, blocking until the task is done (until
key is pressed):