Passing data to AsynTask

96 views Asked by At

When I pass arg this way everything works:

new MerrTeDhenatEDegeve().execute("");

When I pass arg this way it crashes:

sh_d sh_d_instance = new sh_d();

new MerrTeDhenatEDegeve().execute(new String(sh_d_instance.deshifro(url_Deget)));

this is my async class:

class MerrTeDhenatEDegeve extends AsyncTask<String, String, String> {

    // Marrja e te dhenave te degeve
    protected String doInBackground(String... args) {

        // Ketu po krijojme parametrat qe do te na duhet per te krijuar querin ne db
        List<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();

        // Ketu po bejme kerkesen per tek serveri dhe presim te marrim pergjigjen e json ne string
        JSONObject jsonDega = jParserDega.makeHttpRequest(args[0], "GET", params);

        try {
            // Si fillim kontrollojme nqs kemi sukses ne marrjen e te dhenave apo jo
            int sukses = jsonDega.getInt(TAG_SUKSES);

            if (sukses == 1) {
                // Ne rast suksesi atehere dmth qe kemi marre te dhenat e degeve dhe fillojme qe ti vendosim ato ne listat perkatese te tyre
                Deget = jsonDega.getJSONArray(TAG_DEGET);

                // Bredhim tek secili objekt me te dhenat e vektorit json dhe per secilin prej objekteve marrim vlerat qe na duhen
                for (int i = 0; i < Deget.length(); i++) {

                    JSONObject VlObj = Deget.getJSONObject(i);

                    // Rruajme te dhenat ne listat perkatese ne menyre qe pastaj ti kapim globalisht
        } catch (JSONException e) {

        return null;

So it crashes when it gets the data from another method which returns string.

Please I need help. Thank you


There are 1 answers

E. Fernandes On BEST ANSWER

Which errors are you having? Can you please post the stacktrace? It is hard to say something wihtout looking at the stack, however, I would tell you to check the result of this deshifro method. If it is returning null it is likely that you get a nullPointerException here: JSONObject jsonDega = jParserDega.makeHttpRequest(args[0], "GET", params);