I want to wrap OptionParser in another function that defines some defaults, but allows me to overwrite the banner, add separators, and add new options. I am having a hard time passing the relevant information to the on method.
Any advice on how to fix the line options.each { |o, p| opts.on(o, &p) }
def my_opts (banner: "Usage: ruby #{File::basename($0)} [options]", separators: [], options: {})
option_parser = OptionParser.new do |opts|
opts.banner = banner
separators.each {|s| opts.separator s }
opts.separator ''
opts.separator 'Options:'
opts.on('-u', '--user USER', 'Username for authentication.') { |user| @user = user }
options.each { |o, p| opts.on(o, &p) }
opts.on_tail('--help', 'Print this help message.') { puts opts; exit }
return option_parser
opts = {['-f', '--file FILE', 'File to read']=>Proc.new { |f| @f=file } }
stdopts = my_opts( options: opts)
HA! figured it out! the line in question needs to be:
options.each { |o,p| opts.on(*o, &p) }