I would be very glad to get some help on the following topic, given I didn't manage to get through it. My objective is to gather some data on the server side (so far I'm using alasql to transform my CSV fil into a sql table), and then pass it as a parameter to the client side, to perform other sql operations on Client side (again with alasql). So far, I suceeded in
- Transforming the CSV file into a sql table thanks to alasql
- Passing a parameter from the Server side to the Client Side
But I did not manage to
- Pass the sql table itself from the Server side to the Client side as a parameter
My best result in trying to do so is
`input=[object Object],[object Object],...`
instead of the sql table I would expect,which gives an error
My code on the Server side is the following:
var express = require('express');
var session = require('cookie-session'); // Charge le middleware de sessions
var bodyParser = require('body-parser'); // Charge le middleware de gestion des paramètres
var urlencodedParser = bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false });
var alasql=require('alasql');
var app = express();
var input=0;
alasql('SELECT * FROM CSV("public/data/output.csv",{separator:";"})',[],function(data){
/* On utilise les sessions */
app.use(session({secret: 'TBC'}))
/* S'il n'y a pas de todolist dans la session, on en crée une vide sous forme d'array avant la suite */
.use(function(req, res, next){
.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'))
/* On affiche la todolist et le formulaire */
.get('/segmentation_clients', function(req, res) {
var Commercial='U.Morel';
res.render('segmentation_clients.ejs', {Commercial:'U. Morel',input:input});
The beginning of the JS code on the Client side (segmentation_clients.ejs):
var Commercial="<%=Commercial%>";
var input= <%=input%>;
The output of the code (ok for the #Commercial parameter but not ok for the #input SQL table): enter image description here
I would greatly appreciate your help on this topic
Thanks a lot Stéphane
I finally got the solution:
var input= <%=input%>;
The first problem was a problem of format (solved by transforming the input in a JSON format), and the second problem was about evaluating the data inside the arry with "-" instead of only reading it "=", as far as I understood
Best Stéphane