Passing a shapeless extensible record to a function (never ending story?

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I continue to investigate extensible records as in Passing a Shapeless Extensible Record to a Function (continued): the provided solution works with functions that all takes a parameter that includes at least foo1, foo2, and foo3; that is one can write:

fun1(("foo1" ->> "hello") :: ("foo2" ->> 1) :: ("foo3" ->> 1.2) :: HNil)
fun1(("foo1" ->> "hello") :: ("foo2" ->> 1) :: ("foo3" ->> 1.2) :: ("foo4" ->> true) :: HNil)

and so on

And if we can add a second function fun2:

def fun2[L <: HList : HasMyFields](xs: L) = {
  val selectors = implicitly[HasMyFields[L]]
  import selectors._
  xs("foo1").length + xs("foo2") + xs("foo3")

So far, so good.

Now, let's assume we have a set of fields foo1, foo2,... And a set of functions fun1, fun2, which take as parameter a record composed with any subset of {foo1, foo2,...}. For example, fun1 could take as parameter a record that contains foo1 and foo3 but not necessarily foo2, fun2 would expects a record with at least foo4 and so on.

Is there a way to avoid to declare as many class like HasMyFields as they are possible combinations (if we have n fields, there are 2**n combinations!)?


There are 2 answers

Travis Brown On BEST ANSWER

This is a lot easier without an additional type class with the new-ish Witness syntax:

import shapeless._, ops.record.Selector, record._, syntax.singleton._

// Uses "foo1" and "foo2" fields; note that we get the appropriate static types.
def fun1[L <: HList](l: L)(implicit
   foo1: Selector.Aux[L, Witness.`"foo1"`.T, String],
   foo2: Selector.Aux[L, Witness.`"foo2"`.T, Int]
): (String, Double) = (foo1(l), foo2(l))

And then if we have this record:

val rec = ("foo1" ->> "hello") :: ("foo2" ->> 1) :: ("foo3" ->> 1.2) :: HNil

We get this:

scala> fun1(rec)
res0: (String, Double) = (hello,1.0)

The new syntax allows us to avoid creating witness values separately, so it's pretty easy to just require the Selector instances you need.

bhericher On

Starting with the answer of Travis, I've been able to improve it :

In a first file, I have :

package p2;
import shapeless._, ops.record.Selector, record._, syntax.singleton._

object MyFields {

  type wfoo1[L<: HList]=Selector.Aux[L,Witness.`"foo1"`.T, String]

  type wfoo2[L<: HList]=Selector.Aux[L,Witness.`"foo2"`.T, Int]

and then, elsewhere :

package p1;
import shapeless._, ops.record.Selector, record._, syntax.singleton._
import p2.MyFields._
object testshapeless extends App {

  def fun1[L <: HList](l: L)(implicit
   foo1: wfoo1[L],
   foo2: wfoo2[L]
  ): (String, Double) = (foo1(l), foo2(l))

  val rec = ("foo1" ->> "hello") :: ("foo2" ->> 1) :: ("foo3" ->> 1.2) :: HNil


The first file can be considered like a schema where I declare the fields that I potentially use in my application and I've just to import it.

That's cool!

Edited on June 30 : I wonder if we could do better, maybe with a macro : Would it be possible to write something like :

 def fun1[L <:HList] WithSelectors(MyFields)=...

The macro WithSelectors would generate :

 (implicit foo1: wfoo1[L], foo2: wfoo2[L] )

Any advice?