I'm trying to run The Fast Compressive Tracking Algorithm from my C# project. What I want is that, (in C#)to pass the images after converting them into gray scale images to the Matlab function
instead of having the images in the Matlab code as I'm going to apply some operations to specify the index of the array that containing the images to start tracking from.
But when I pass the list of the grayscale images, I got an error says
" The best overload method match for 'trackerNative.FCT.Runtracker(int)' has some invalid arguments."
Can you help me solve this? to pass List of images in C# to a matlab function.
C# Code
//to convert to graScale
public double[,] to_gray(Bitmap img)
int w = img.Width;
int h = img.Height;
double[,] grayImage = new double[w, h];
for (int i = 0; i < w; i++)
for (int x = 0; x < h; x++)
Color oc = img.GetPixel(i, x);
grayImage[i, x] = (double)(oc.R + oc.G + oc.B) / 3;
return grayImage;
//to get the files from specified folder
public static String[] GetFilesFrom(String searchFolder, String[] filters, bool isRecursive)
List<String> filesFound = new List<String>();
var searchOption = isRecursive ? SearchOption.AllDirectories : SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly;
foreach (var filter in filters)
filesFound.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(searchFolder, String.Format("*.{0}", filter), searchOption));
return filesFound.ToArray();
//Button to run the matlab function 'Runtracker'
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
FCT obj = new FCT(); //FCT is a matlab class
OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1 = new OpenFileDialog();
if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
string file_path = openFileDialog1.FileName;
var filters = new String[] { "png" };
var files = GetFilesFrom(file_path, filters, false);
List< double[,] > imgArr = new List< double[,] >();
for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++)
Bitmap image = new Bitmap(files[i]);
double[,] grayScale_image = to_gray(image);
imgArr[i] = grayScale_image;
object m = obj.Runtracker(imgArr); //the error occured
//Bitmap output = m as Bitmap;
Matlab Code
function Runtracker(input_imgArr)
clc;clear all;close all;
[initstate] = initCt(1);% position of the detected face in the 1st frame
num = length(input_imgArr);% number of frames
x = initstate(1);% x axis at the Top left corner
y = initstate(2);
w = initstate(3);% width of the rectangle
h = initstate(4);% height of the rectangle
img = imread(input_imgArr(1));
img = double(img);
trparams.init_negnumtrain = 50;%number of trained negative samples
trparams.init_postrainrad = 4;%radical scope of positive samples
trparams.initstate = initstate;% object position [x y width height]
trparams.srchwinsz = 25;% size of search window
%% Classifier parameters
clfparams.width = trparams.initstate(3);
clfparams.height= trparams.initstate(4);
% feature parameters
% number of rectangle from 2 to 4.
ftrparams.minNumRect =2;
ftrparams.maxNumRect =4;
M = 100;% number of all weaker classifiers, i.e,feature pool
posx.mu = zeros(M,1);% mean of positive features
negx.mu = zeros(M,1);
posx.sig= ones(M,1);% variance of positive features
negx.sig= ones(M,1);
lRate = 0.85;% Learning rate parameter
%% Compute feature template
[ftr.px,ftr.py,ftr.pw,ftr.ph,ftr.pwt] = HaarFtr(clfparams,ftrparams,M);
%% Compute sample templates
posx.sampleImage = sampleImgDet(img,initstate,trparams.init_postrainrad,1);
negx.sampleImage = sampleImg(img,initstate,1.5*trparams.srchwinsz,4+trparams.init_postrainrad,trpar ams.init_negnumtrain);
%% Feature extraction
iH = integral(img);%Compute integral image
posx.feature = getFtrVal(iH,posx.sampleImage,ftr);
negx.feature = getFtrVal(iH,negx.sampleImage,ftr);
[posx.mu,posx.sig,negx.mu,negx.sig] =
update distribution parameters
%% Begin tracking
for i = 2:num
img = imread(input_imgArr(i));
imgSr = img;% imgSr is used for showing tracking results.
img = double(img);
iH = integral(img);%Compute integral image
%% Coarse detection
step = 4; % coarse search step
detectx.sampleImage =
detectx.feature = getFtrVal(iH,detectx.sampleImage,ftr);
r = ratioClassifier(posx,negx,detectx.feature);% compute the classifier for all samples
clf = sum(r);% linearly combine the ratio classifiers in r to the final classifier
[c,index] = max(clf);
x = detectx.sampleImage.sx(index);
y = detectx.sampleImage.sy(index);
w = detectx.sampleImage.sw(index);
h = detectx.sampleImage.sh(index);
initstate = [x y w h];
%% Fine detection
step = 1;
detectx.sampleImage = sampleImgDet(img,initstate,10,step);
detectx.feature = getFtrVal(iH,detectx.sampleImage,ftr);
r = ratioClassifier(posx,negx,detectx.feature);% compute the classifier for all samples
clf = sum(r);% linearly combine the ratio classifiers in r to the final classifier
[c,index] = max(clf);
x = detectx.sampleImage.sx(index);
y = detectx.sampleImage.sy(index);
w = detectx.sampleImage.sw(index);
h = detectx.sampleImage.sh(index);
initstate = [x y w h];
%% Show the tracking results
hold on;
text(5, 18, strcat('#',num2str(i)), 'Color','y', 'FontWeight','bold', 'FontSize',20);
set(gca,'position',[0 0 1 1]);
hold off;
%% Extract samples
posx.sampleImage = sampleImgDet(img,initstate,trparams.init_postrainrad,1);
negx.sampleImage =
%% Update all the features
posx.feature = getFtrVal(iH,posx.sampleImage,ftr);
negx.feature = getFtrVal(iH,negx.sampleImage,ftr);
[posx.mu,posx.sig,negx.mu,negx.sig] = classiferUpdate(posx,negx,posx.mu,posx.sig,negx.mu,negx.sig,lRate);% update distribution parameters
This is because the
expects an argument of typeint
as per the error and you are passing an argument of typeint[]
i.e an integer array.The passed parameter and the expected parameter should match in order to execute the method successfully.
Hope this helps.