Pass data from screen to other screen using React Native Navigation with Stack Navigator

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Hello i'm new here and beginner in react-native i've tried to make a textInput and , i would like to pass the data(text enter by user) in a other screen how can i do it can you help me ? i'm using react navigation StackNavigator

here some of my code my first class with the textinput

export default class ParamScreen extends React.Component {

static navigationOptions = {
    title: ' Covoit Ulg ',
    headerStyle:{ backgroundColor: '#66CDAA'},
    headerTitleStyle:{ color: '#FFF', alignSelf: 'center'},
    titleStyle: {alignSelf: 'center'}

render () {
    const { navigate } = this.props.navigation;

    return (
            <Button onPress = {() => navigate('ParamPass',{TextInput: ''})}
                      kind = 'rounded'
                      type = 'danger'
                      marginBottom= '10'>pass data ?</Button>

class InputControl extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
    this.handleTextInput = this.handleTextInput.bind(this)
    this.state = {textIn: false}

handleTextInput() {
    this.setState({textIn: true})
render () {
    const textIn = this.state.textIn

    let TextInput = null
    if (textIn) {
        TextInput = <UserInput onSelectionChange={this.handleTextInput}/>
    return (
            <UserInput textIn={textIn}/>
function UserInput(props) {
return <TextInput onSelectionChange={props.onSelectionChange}>
            Test data test data


and this is where i want my data

export default class ParamsData extends React.Component {

render (){

    const {state} = this.props.navigation;
    console.log("test test" ,this.props.navigation)
    var textIn = state.params ? state.params.textIn : "<undefined>";

    return (
          <Text>Second View: {textIn}</Text>

thanks for you help and sorry my english not the best but i'm working on it ^^ (better talking then writing)``

export default class ParamScreen extends React.Component {

constructor(props) {
    this.state = { text: 'Test test'}

    static navigationOptions = {
        title: ' Covoit Ulg ',
        headerStyle:{ backgroundColor: '#66CDAA'},
        headerTitleStyle:{ color: '#FFF', alignSelf: 'center'},
        titleStyle: {alignSelf: 'center'}

   onSubmit = () => {
       //whatever you want to do on submit
       this.props.navigation.navigate('Parampass', {text: this.state.text})

    render () {
        const { navigate } = this.props.navigation;

        return (
                <TextInput style={style.input} 
                            underlineColorAndroid= 'transparent'
                            onChangeText= { (text) => this.setState( {text})}
                            value= {this.state.text}
                <Button onPress = {() =>this.onSubmit()}
                          kind = 'rounded'
                          type = 'danger'
                          marginBottom= '10'>pass data ?</Button>

i try it like this in the first screen

export default class ParamsData extends React.Component {

static navigationOptions = ({navigation}) => {
    return {
        title: 'Test /  ${navigation.state.params.text}'
constructor (props) {
    this.state = {
        text: this.props.navigation.state.params.text,
        report: null

render (){

    return (

          <Text>Second View: {text}</Text>


and this is how i receive the data help me please i feel like i'm very close


There are 1 answers

Martin Chinome On

hi friends my english too not be best this code in this moment is working

the first sreen show, how send parameter with navigation, in this case i use NavigationActions.reset, because i reset routes(avoid button back), but in you case

_navigateToHome = (context, data) => {
                index: 0,
                actions: [
                    NavigationActions.navigate({ routeName: 'Home', params: { param: data }, })

you should see param: data , that is where pass param


you should get data so:

componentDidMount() {