pass array of objects to oracle stored procedure using ODP.Net managed client

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I have following Employee class in my web API.

public class Employee
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string City { get; set; }

my web API receives the list of 50 employee records on each request and it needs to update those details in Oracle database.

I followed the same approach of passing array of Integers to Oracle stored procedure and tried the below approach.

Created following type and stored procedure in Oracle.

--base type

create or replace  type EMPTEST AS OBJECT
    Name   varchar2(50),    
    City          varchar2(50)


create or replace PACKAGE pkgUDFArray_Test
type "T_EMPUDF_ARRAY" is table of EMPTEST;  
    PROCEDURE ProcEmpUDFArray_Test(
        Param1 IN T_EMPUDF_ARRAY);
END pkgUDFArray_Test;

--package body

create or replace  PACKAGE BODY pkgUDFArray_Test
    PROCEDURE ProcEmpUDFArray_Test(
        Param1 IN  T_EMPUDF_ARRAY)
        FORALL indx IN 1..Param1.COUNT
            INSERT INTO Employee(Name,City) 
    END ProcEmpUDFArray_Test;
END pkgUDFArray_Test;

Following is the code from web API.

     List<Employee> EmpList = new List<Employee>()
        new Employee() { City = "City1", Name="Emp1" },
        new Employee() {City = "City2", Name="Emp2" }

        OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(connectionString);       

        var cmd = con.CreateCommand();

        cmd.CommandText = "pkgUDFArray_Test.ProcEmpUDFArray_Test";
        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

        OracleParameter param1 = new OracleParameter();
        param1.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;            
        param1.CollectionType = OracleCollectionType.PLSQLAssociativeArray;
        param1.Value = EmpList.ToArray();
        param1.Size = 2;
        param1.DbType = DbType.Object;

        catch (Exception ex)
            throw ex;

When i tried this I get the error "value does not fall within the expected range." at the following line. param1.Value = EmpList.ToArray();

I see that I need to do some more here to get it worked.

I searched for similar topics and I could not find any topics on this for managed client. I know there is a way for this using old Oracle.DataAccess.dll, but wanted to know if there is a way using latest managed client.


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