Pass a callback function with a parameter to a function

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I want to call the following function and pass it a function with a parameter. The purpose of that is that it should call the function with my specified parameter so I know what triggered the function (in that case a gpio pin on the Raspberry Pi).

int wiringPiISR( int pin, int edgeType, void (*function)( void ) );

Currently I have:

for ( int i = 0; i < myValues.size(); ++i )
    int myValue = myValues[ i ];
    wiringPiISR( myValue, INT_EDGE_RISING, &myCallback( myValue ) );

Though this is giving me the following error:

error: lvalue required as unary ‘&’ operand

Which I can't really understand as to my understanding, myValue is an lvalue or is it not?

Is it what I want do even possible? If so how? The function wiringPiISR is from a library called wiringPi and I would like to avoid modifying it as much as possible.


There are 6 answers


You could combine the answers from imreal and Ryan Haining something like this.

std::function<void()> cbfunc;

void myCallback()
void myWiringPiISR(int val, int mask, std::function<void()> callback)
  cbfunc = callback;
  wiringPiISR(val, mask, &myCallback);

... and then use it...

void myActualCallback(int v)
  ... do something...

myWiringPiISR(myValue, INT_EDGE_RISING, std::bind(myActualCallback, myValue));

No need to patch library, and you can use all the bind/function goodness. I'll leave you to find a way around the thread safety issues...

How does it work? Put simply 'std::bind' is binding together a function and it's parameters into a single std:function object which can then be 'called' from the myCallback function which acts as a shim around the callback that you pass. I'd given the callback function a confusing name before, but this edit has hopefully fixed that.

twentylemon On

If you have c++11, I suggest using std::function - it's quite a bit cleaner.

If not, your function signature is wrong. You want a callback with the type void(int) but your function takes a void()

David van rijn On

I looked up wiringPiISR and found that it is some sort of api call, so i am assuming you cannot change it.

Having said that, there is a reason most api-calls with a function-pointer-callback look sort of like this

void setCallback( void (*function)(void* data), void* userdata);

This allows people to cast their struct {blabla} data; to add some userdata, and when the function is called, it is passed along.

So basically, apart from hacking stuff with static variables, you can't pass any arguments.

imreal On

You need to use std::function and std::bind.

Change your function signature to

int wiringPiISR (int pin, int edgeType,  std::function<void()> func);

Inside you can call the callback simply using func()

And your call to:

int myValue = 3;
wiringPiISR(myValue, INT_EDGE_RISING, std::bind(myCallback, myValue));

What this does is create a std::function object (i.e. a callable) that wraps your function and keeps your desired value in its state.

This will only work on C++11 and newer.

Ryan Haining On

If myValue is something you can decide at compile time, you could set it statically and use an intermediate function to pass in.

void myCallbackHelper() {
    static constexpr int myValue = 3;

wiringPiISR(myValue, INT_EDGE_RISING, &myCallbackHelper);

If you need to determine myValue at run time, you could still accomplish this, but not really thread-safely.

int& getMyValue() {
    static int myValue;
    return myValue;

void setMyValue(int i) {
    getMyValue() = i;

void myCallbackHelper() {

Then set it and call

wiringPiISR(myValue, INT_EDGE_RISING, &myCallbackHelper);
Puppy On

You can "vomit" the function. This doesn't require a user-defined mutable global variable and is thread-safe, unless you have a compiler that supports multiple threads but not per-thread exceptions which would be basically unusable.

myWiringPiISRWrapper(Value value, int edge, std::function<void()> func) {
    try {
        throw &func;
    } catch(...) {
        myWiringPiISR(value, edge, [] {
            try {
            } catch(std::function<void()>* func) { 

It's disgusting and slow, but it's totally encapsulated which I think is a worthwhile upside. Note that this only works if the callback is never executed after the call to myWiringPiISR returns. In this case you can of course have a callback with whatever bound state you desire.