I am trying to parse a 4GB+ xml(spml) file formatted as follows. I can parse a test file formatted similarly using SimpleXML [surely with some warnings]; But when I try to parse the same using XMLReader I don get any output. If anybody knows of any solution, please help me
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<spml:searchResponse executionTime="6821151" language="en_us" requestID="caac94d2-a5df-4bc0-bc75-8ab71ed02b37" result="success" xmlns:spml="urn:siemens:names:prov:gw:SPML:2:0">
<version xmlns:subscriber="urn:siemens:names:prov:gw:HLR_SUBSCRIBER:4:5">HLR_SUBSCRIBER_v45</version>
<objects xmlns:ns2="urn:siemens:names:prov:gw:HLR_SUBSCRIBER:4:5" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="2:Subscriber">
However, I get the following Warning messages :
Warning: XMLReader::read() [xmlreader.read]: file:///C:/wamp/www/xml_reader/xml_file.xml:3: namespace error : xmlns:spml: 'urn:siemens:names:prov:gw:SP ML:2:0' is not a valid URI in...
Parsing a 4Gb XML likely will cause a out of memory unless you have sufficient memory,
you can use to PHP Tidy module to repair all the malformed XML