I'm using an Azure Stream Job to parse incoming JSON data from an IoT Hub. I'm even using ...
CROSS APPLY GetArrayElements(event.NestedRows) as nestedrows
... to expand and denormalize additional events within each event - works great, no issues.
However, I have a new JSON property that is of type string and it is actually an embedded JSON array. For example:
"escapedArray": "[ 1, 2, 3 ]"
I'd like to use CROSS APPLY on this array as well, however I don't see any way to parse the string and convert it to a JSON array.
I considered a User Defined Function (UDF), but I read that it can only return scalers, and not arrays.
Is there a trick I'm missing inside the Stream Job to parse this string, or do I have to expand it in the event stream, prior to the Stream Job?
(FYI, I have no way to change this stream in the device event source.)
According to the offical tutorial, you can create an UDF in Stream Analytics to convert a string to an array.
Defined an UDF
as below.Then use the UDF in a Query for the property
to return an array.My test result is as the figure below.
Hope it helps.