parseInt not working with data from an Array created from a spitted Date inside Angularjs controller

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I have a date that I am converting to LocaleDateString and then splitting it into an array inside an angulrajs controller. When I try to convert to int the elements in the array I get NaN. The characters in the array are numbers but the parse is not working.

How can I parse that data properly?


var dateLocal = $scope.startDate.toLocaleDateString(); //Has this ‎6‎/‎5‎/‎2015
var dateSplitted = dateLocal.split("/"); //Has [6,5,2015]
var month = parseInt(dateSplitted[0]);  //HERE If I use parseIntI get NaN originally it has 6
var day = dateSplitted[1];//Has 5
var year = dateSplitted[2]; Has 2015

I want to be aple to convert to string month day and year.


There are 3 answers


You rely on toLocaleDateString, which is implementation dependent:

This function returns a String value. The contents of the String are implementation-dependent

The problem is that your browser returns a string with some left-to-right marks (U+200E).

See the difference:

var str1 = "6", // "\u0036"             <-- OK
    str2 = "‎6‎"; // "\u200e\u0036\u200e" <-- Your "corrupted" string
parseInt(str1); // 6
parseInt(str2); // NaN

So you shouldn't trust the value returned by that method. Instead, use date methods to get the day, month and year.

Harsha Kuchampudi On

I tried out your code, and it seemed to work fine for me. For your dateLocal, I just replaced your value with var dateLocal = new Date().toLocaleDateString(); because I didn't know what value was loaded from your scope. When I did this, the code loaded fine, so you may want to double check the nature of the variable you are loading from the scope.

tavnab On

This doesn't answer why you are getting NaN in your code, but instead of converting the date object to a string and parsing the parts, you can get the parts of the date directly using Date.prototype.getMonth(), Date.prototype.getDate() (day-of-month), and Date.prototype.getFullYear().