Parse Server file size limit 20MB

2.2k views Asked by At

Does anyone know how to change the file size limit for parse server? at the moment i can properly download and upload files unto 20MB but i need to go a bit larger.

There is link on GitHub

but i can not figure out how to change this in the server end. explored every part of the project through SSH and can not see a fielsrouter.js

EDIT: the server.js file now contains the variable maxUploadSize

var express = require('express');
var ParseServer = require('parse-server').ParseServer;
var app = express();
// Specify the connection string for your mongodb database
// and the location to your Parse cloud code
var api = new ParseServer({
    databaseURI: "XXXXX",
    cloud: "XXXXX",
    appId: “XXXXX”,
    masterKey: “XXXXX”,
    fileKey: “XXXXX”,
    serverURL: ‘XXXXX’,
    maxUploadSize: = '50mb'
// Serve the Parse API on the /parse URL prefix
app.use('/parse', api);

var port = 1337;
app.listen(port, function() {
    console.log('parse-server running on port ' + port);

//Parse Dashboard
var ParseDashboard = require('parse-dashboard');
var dashboard = new ParseDashboard({
    apps: [
            appName: “XXXXX”,
            appId: “XXXXX”,
            masterKey: “XXXXX”,
            fileKey: “XXXXX”,
            production: true,
            serverURL: ‘XXXXX’,
           // maxUploadSize: = '50mb'

var allowInsecureHTTP = true;

// Serve the Parse Dashboard on the /parsedashboard URL prefix
app.use('/', dashboard);

var portdash = 4040;
app.listen(portdash, function() {
    console.log('parse-dashboard running on port ' + portdash);

There are 1 answers

Cliffordwh On

You can set the maxUploadSize to whatever you need it to be.

But i would suggest you also check the nginx client_max_body_size too.


Bitnami configuration:

Edit the /opt/bitnami/apps/parse/htdocs/server.js file and insert the credentials

Then restart

   sudo /opt/bitnami/ restart parse