Parent component getting re-initialised when navigating to child component

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Please help me.
I have problem with second router for children
My routes:

const routes: Routes = [
  {path: '', pathMatch: 'full', redirectTo: 'login'},
    path: 'web', component: WebComponent,
    children: [
      {path: 'about', component: AboutComponent},
      {path: 'skills', component: SkillsComponent},

AboutComponent is without module.
In WebComponent I have button:

    <button [routerLink]="'/web/about'" (click)="clickButton()" [ngClass]="{animationStart: anim > 4}">About me</button>
<div class="root">

When I click this button, I have some problem. The ngOnInit in WebComponent restart. Why? I don't want this, because also the animation is running again. Please help me.



There are 1 answers

Nenad Jovicic On

I am not sure why is it refreshing whole web component, but what I know, if you have children routes, you don't have to call them like [routerLink]="'/web/about'", it would be enough to use about only and normally, you should provide to router link an array, so maybe that is actually refreshing your page

Try it like this [routerLink]="['about']" and see what is going to happen