Currently I am using PaperTrail for model versioning an I have a situation in which I invite a team member. The created records after the "create" event is fired up is:
id: 327,
item_type: "TeamMember",
item_id: 12,
event: "create",
whodunnit: "1",
object: nil,
created_at: Wed, 21 Dec 2022 15:57:04 UTC +00:00,
object_changes: {"user_id"=>[nil, 42]}>
As shown below TeamMember model has an association with user and when it is created I save the user_id. PaperTrail keeps track of user_id and saved the id of user but instead I am interested of user name. I cannot do a find with the id when I display the log because the user with that id may not exist anymore in the future and it will result in record not found. On the other hand I cannot use reify because this is a "create" event and reify results in nil. Please help me how can I save user_name instead of user id on object_changes.