I am using pandas-profiling=2.8.0 and I have generated an HTML report in which 2 duplicates are shown in the Overview Section, as seen below
But the "Duplicate rows" option/section is missing in my HTML Report header.
But in the shared example on the documentation page: https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/docs/master/rtd/pages/examples.html
You can see that the "Duplicate rows" is present in the official examples report.
Examples (Census Income Report) : https://pandas-profiling.github.io/pandas-profiling/examples/master/census/census_report.html
Can anyone tell what is missing in my code due to which I am not getting "Duplicate rows" in the HMTL Report header?
from pandas_profiling import ProfileReport
df = pd.read_csv('items.csv', sep='|')
profile = df.profile_report(title='Data Profiling Report')
profile = ProfileReport(df)