In my app I allow users to like item/cover object which they can later view in their profile.
I have a profile model that shows a list of items and covers in separate tabs. A user clicks on a link to selects which list to view, which sends the object name to params[:filter] and reloads the page with the correct list.
I am now trying to create infinite scroll for both lists with Kaminari and ajax. It works fine for each list seperatly but when i try to use an if statement with params (in profiles/show.js.haml) the loading breaks. any thoughts?
class ProfilesController < ApplicationController
def show
@covers = @user.get_voted(Cover).page(params[:page])
@items = @user.get_voted(Item).page(params[:page])
respond_to :html, :js
= link_to 'Covers', profile_path(filter: "covers")
= link_to 'Items', profile_path(filter: "items")
= render 'profiles/covers' if !params[:filter] || params[:filter] == "covers"
= render 'profiles/items' if params[:filter] == "items"
- if @covers.any?
.covers= render @covers
.pagination= link_to_next_page @covers, 'View More', params: params, remote: true
- else
= "No covers yet..."
- if @items.any?
.items= render @items
.pagination= link_to_next_page @items, 'View More', params: params, remote: true
- else
= "No items yet..."
- if !params[:filter] || params[:filter] == "covers"
$('.covers').append("#{j render @covers}");
- if @covers.last_page?
- else
$('.pagination').html("#{j link_to_next_page(@covers,'View More', params: params, remote: true)}");
- if params[:filter] == "items"
$('.items').append("#{j render @items}");
- if @items.last_page?
- else
$('.pagination').html("#{j link_to_next_page(@items,'View More', params: params, remote: true)}");
$(function() {
if ($('.pagination').size() > 0) {
$(window).on('scroll', function() {
var next_page_url = $('.pagination a[rel=next]').attr('href');
if (next_page_url && $(window).scrollTop() > $(document).height() - $(window).height() - 200) {
$('.pagination').html('<img src="/assets/ajax-loader.gif" alt="Loading..."/>');
} });
Since the if statement disrupted the ajax call, I had to work around it:
I merged _covers.html.haml and _items.html.haml to one partial _models.html.haml:
and handled the conditions in the controller:
hope this helps anyone!