I've searched and hacked and searched and hacked but have yet to come up with a solution. I am attempting to find an item in a table and click a Delete link which is in one of the cells on the right. My page-object code to find and click the appropriate link works like a champ, however, when the confirm popup comes up, the OK button is never clicked so the item is not deleted. My page-object is below. I added the "sleep 5" just to verify that I see the popup come up and it does. Should I not be seeing the popup at all?
class ThingManagementPage
include PageObject
page_url "https://#{HOST_MAP['portal']}/customers/<%= params[:customer] %>/customer_things"
link(:things_and_prefixes, :text => 'ASNs & Prefixes')
link(:thing_sets, :text => 'AS Sets')
table(:things, :css => '.table-condensed')
links(:delete_thing, :title => 'Delete')
links(:edit_thing, :title => 'Edit')
def delete_thing(thing)
found = false
index = 0
self.things_element.each do |row|
if row[0].text == thing
self.confirm(true) do
sleep 5
found = true
index += 1
fail "Failed to find and delete thing #{thing} on page!" unless found
I resolved this, however, this seems like more of a hack and something that should not be necessary when using page-object. Essentially, I replaced this:
with calls to selenium-webdriver to switch to the popup window and click the OK button: