I've been using package rgp (genetic programming) in r to predict survival on the Titanic. The input data frame, train, is the training data from Kaggle with the Sex variable changed to 0 for females and 1 for males. Given this, the code is:
fs <- functionSet("+", "-", "*", "exp", "sin", "cos")
ivs <- inputVariableSet("Sex")
cfs <- constantFactorySet(function() rnorm(1))
ff <- function(f) {
err <- rmse(as.numeric(f(train$Sex)), as.numeric(train$Survived))
if (is.na(err)) return(1e12) else return(err)
gp <- geneticProgramming(functionSet = fs,
inputVariables = ivs,
constantSet = cfs,
fitnessFunction = ff,
stopCondition = makeTimeStopCondition(60),
verbose = FALSE)
The issue is the geneticProgramming function outputs "NaNs produced" frequently. In fact, the output is enough to hang r and rstudio if I run it long enough (e.g. overnight). (The actual code I want to run is more involved and "NaNs produced" prints much more frequently, but this shortened version suffices to show the issue.)
I would like to suppress all output from geneticProgramming. The verbose = FALSE option doesn't address the "NaNs produced" output.
I have tried using capture.output, sink, and invisible. I've tried echo = FALSE in an R markdown cell. All to no avail. I would have thought sink("/dev/null") would solve the problem, but it doesn't.
Where is this output coming from, and how can I suppress it if the usual methods don't work?
Thanks very much.
In your functionSet, remove "sin" and "cos". When these are removed the NaNs are not produced.