Package not visible error

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I've having trouble with package visibility. I have a really simple package and the code is listed below. The error message is shown here:

viterbi.adb:12:14: "Integer_Text_IO" is not visible (more references follow)
viterbi.adb:12:14: non-visible declaration at
gnatmake: "viterbi.adb" compilation error

The package specification is as follows:

package Viterbi is

  procedure Load_N_File(
    Filename : in String;
    N : in out Integer;
    M : in out Integer);

end Viterbi;

The package body is as follows:

with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use with Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
with Ada.Strings; use Ada.Strings;

package body Viterbi is

  procedure Load_N_File(
    Filename : in String;
    N : in out Integer;
    M : in out Integer
  ) is
    N_File : File_Type;
    Open( N_File, Mode=>In_File, Name=>Filename );
    Get( N_File, N ); 
    Get( N_File, M );
    Close( N_File ); 
  end Load_N_File;

end Viterbi;

What in my package body is causing the package to stay hidden? Shouldn't the use clause bring Integer_Text_IO into view?


There are 2 answers


The code of the package body as provided has a syntax error: the spurious "with" in the "use with Ada.Integer_Text_IO;" clause.

Having fixed that, I then get compilation errors revolving around the inability to resolve File_Type, Open, and Close. Adding a "with" and "use" of Ada.Text_IO gives me a clean compilation.

So the start of the package body looks like:

with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
with Ada.Strings; use Ada.Strings;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

package body Viterbi is

If you're still getting a "can't find Integer_Text_IO" error after fixing these errors, then I'd be suspicious about your development environment, i.e. is everything installed correctly?

Shark8 On

You can avoid the "use with" style of error, as already pointed out, by using the comma-separated style: With -- Testing, Ada.Integer_Text_IO, Ada.Strings;

-- Testing,

this also allows you to comment out specific package 'withs' or 'usues' as shown.