Package import - Target of URI does not exists

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Please check my project:

In the file 'tetrisclient.dart' I want to import the generated package from the lib-folder.

import 'package:tetris/tetris.dart';

But I get the Erro 'Target of URI does not exists'

Thanks for your help!


There are 10 answers

Alexander Doroshko On

Run pub get. If you use WebStorm you can do it using corresponding action from the pubspec.yaml file context menu.

Ivan Yoed On

It seems that dart:mirrors library is no more supported. See here:

Serge Breusov On

Solution: restart Android Studio. Or: just close and reopen project.

Had similar problem. For anyone who want to investigate, here my steps. I decided to try that library

I added dependency and download package via Android Studio. I also see path_provider.dart in External Libraries in my project. So, the file exist! But Studio show me an error "Target of URI doesn't exist" - how to fix it?

    import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';

I use example code from path_provider project:

Sisekelo Dlamini On

If you are copying code from codelabs by Google. You need to take care of remember spaces.

E.g. in pubspec.yaml


  sdk: flutter

  cupertino_icons: ^0.1.0
  english_words: ^3.1.0   # add this line

is not this:

  sdk: flutter

  cupertino_icons: ^0.1.0
  english_words: ^3.1.0   # add this line
Hyung Tae Carapeto Figur On

I was using VS Code. What worked for me was clicking on the option it recommends that seems dumb at first time: create file 'file_name.dart' It merged an initialized file with the one that had in that location. I deleted the unnecessary stuff that is generated, and it was good to go.

I tried everything else I found on many pages over the internet. Diverse kinds of commands. Reopening, changing locations. Reinstalled the plugins.

EDIT 1: False alarm, it is temporary. But still, the quickest method, especially if you use CTRL + Z after it merged. I can't fix it OMG

EDIT 2: I opened now on Android Studio, and it said the file was in the wrong encoding. I changed the encoding (it has a button to select another one), and the errors disappeared!! (at least until now)

Ajil O. On

If you are using Android Studio do like this:

enter image description here

  • Click on Dart Analysis on the bottom
  • Click on the Restart Dart Analysis Server icon on the left side of the window.

The errors will be fixed

Anthony Liriano On

I had the same problem when using Visual Code and following the Write your first app tutorial. This issue was resolved by just closing and reopening the project.

Mehmet D. On

Had the same problem while using Visual Studio Code. Had to close and re-open the VS Code but it didn't work out for me. But opening the file by typing code . to the command line solved my issue.

Danvari On

I know this is an old question, but I came across it and resolved it. But anyone that runs into this, simply close your project and reopen it. That solved it for me. I'm using Android Studio.

0 On

Just Close project and VSCODE it will work