owl:imports in Fuseki

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I'm new here, and although I've searched for something like this, I couldn't find an answer. So here is my question: How Fuseki handles owl:imports?

Details: I've defined a set of ontologies in different owl files. Let's call two of them of subDomainA.owl and subDomainB.owl.

To "join" these ontologies, I've defined a single owl file that imports the others. Let's call it completeDomain.owl, which owl:imports subDomainA.owl and subDomainB.owl. There are a few statements explicitly declared in completeDomain.owl. If it's not clear, It's something like sweetAll.owl in SWEET.

I need to import these owl files (with RDF/XML syntax) into TDB using Fuseki. How these imports will be handled? I mean, should I load the completeDomain.owl to the default graph and subDomainA.owl and subDomainB.owl to their respective graphs and Fuseki would "understand" imports and let me query all of them at once?

Using tdb:unionDefaultGraph is the same thing? What would happen with the statements declared in completeDomain.owl that uses entities declared in the subDomain ontologies? Also, I couldn't see the difference of tdb:unionDefaultGraph and Union Model.

As you can see, I'm a little bit confused and any help will be appreciated!


There are 1 answers

rcantonialli On

Following the tips from Joshua bellow(thanks for them, by the way), here is the answer:

To organize owl:imports into Fuseki, there are 3 options:

1) Import all ontologies files to the default graph.

2) Configure the store using tdb:unionDefaultGraph with true value, and import each file to its own named graph. This way, Fuseki will answer a query to the default graph with the union of all named graphs. Also, each graph can be acessed by its named graph and/or SPARQL GRAPH.

3) A Union Model combines in a single graph other graphs. Any app would not be able to query the graphs separatedely.

The original answer to this question is here!