Override merge without loosing commits in Git

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In my master branch There are old commits which are important for me to not loose

I have another branch named beta-release and it lost those old commits since I had to reset its head and then had to add all the changes and make a commit , resulting into a single commit of the whole branch which is the updated version of the whole app !

Now if I merge beta-release (into master) instead of deleting those files that are not present in the beta-release branch , it keeps them , basically just merging but I want to override without loosing commits of the master branch but making the single commit of the beta-release branch as the newer commit that replaces everything in master

Here's my master branch containing old commits which do not reflect the updated version of the app]1

Here's my beta-release branch containing new commits which reflect the current version of the app

I want to override master with beta release branch with history of old commits in master branch


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